Plushies of favorite TV character & celebrity

Child's Own Studio

Last Update преди година

Can I have a plush toy made of my favorite TV character/celebrity?

Softies: We understand your love for your favorite TV or game character, and we'd love to create a plush toy for you. However, we are unable to turn trademarked or copyrighted images or characters into Softies. But don't worry! If you draw your own character that is inspired by the trademarked character, we can bring your creation to life without any issues. You can find talented artists on platforms like Fiverr or Instagram to help you with your drawing.

Selfies: If you're interested in having a plush toy of your favorite actor or celebrity, please note that we adhere to trademark and copyright laws. Without written permission directly from the athlete/celebrity or their family, we cannot create Selfies of celebrities or athletes. However, if you would like a plush toy resembling a celebrity or athlete, you can submit a drawing of them as a Softie, and we'll be delighted to bring your drawing to life!

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